Maybe Ballmer Should Stay
I was struck by the juxtaposition of the following two news items on Seeking Alpha's Wall Street Breakfast. Microsoft Mobile on the rise. Samsung's growth is slowing. Steve Ballmer is on his way out...
View Article׳המחנה החרדי׳ ואני לא מאמינים באותו א-ל
אנימקווהשהשורותשאניאכתוב למטה אינם נכונות ונחוצות. אני מקווה שהכותרת בעיתון החרדי ״המחנה החרדי״ הם ציטוט לא מדויק של הרבי מבלז או מבטאים כאב עמוק ולא מובן. אני מתפלל ומקווה ש״המחנה החרדי״ לא באמת...
View ArticleThe “Machane Hacharedi” and I do not share the same God
I hope that what I write below is not true. The headline in the Charedi newspaper “Hamachane Hacharedi” i am sure is just a misquote of the Belzer Rebbe but they wrote it and the newspaper meant it. I...
View Articleחג השבועות מסמלת עד כמה התרחקה עולם התורה מהתורה
כל ילד בבית ספר לומד שלחג השבועות 4 שמות: חג הקציר, חג השבועות, חג הביכורים וחג מתן תורה. כל ילד בגן לומד שבחג השבועות נשארים ערים כל הלילה כדי ללמוד תורה. ילד שמגיע לבית הכנסת רואה את בית הכנסת מכוסה...
View ArticleIsrael Should Give/invest $500,000 To Young Engineers to Make Aliya
Next week, the second Israel Tech Challenge will land in Israel. For the second time, Raphael Ouzan and team will bring the best and brightest computer Jewish computer science engineering students to...
View ArticleThe Death of the Nation State. The Rise of the Sectarian State!
We are living through the death of the Nation State. That nation state is dying because of the rise of tribal affiliation driven by increasing connectivity, reaction to oppression and to the growth of...
View ArticleMy Heart is Broken. My Spirit Soars.
Israel is an amazing country. It swings from highs to lows faster than a seesaw and from despair to hope in the same minute. Yesterday, during the chuppa of my cousin’s wedding, I received notice that...
View ArticleIwo jima and Gaza
Over the weekend, as my thoughts drifted to our Israeli soldiers (and my future son-in-law) surgically striking Hamas Terrorists and tunnels in Gaza, I thought a lot about my grandfather. Specifically,...
View ArticleOrdinary Israelis. Ordinary Palestinians.
As the Israeli defensive operation in Gaza moved into its second week, and Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority found common cause and language about the need to defeat the evil and wicked Hamas...
View ArticleTwo Correct Perspectives on Tisha B’av 5774
Tonight we began commemorating, the 9th of the Month of Av, commonly referred to as Tisha B’av, the saddest day in the Jewish Calendar. On this day, for thousands of years, Jews have mourned the...
View Articleשני פרספקטיבות צודקות על תשעה באב תשע״ד
היום אנו מציינים את תשעה באב, היום העצוב ביותר בלוח השנה היהיודית. מזה אלפי שנים, יהודים ברחבי העולם, אבלו את חורבנן של בית המקדש הראשון והשני. לאורך אלפי שנות ההיסטוריה היהודית, תשעה באב הפכה ליום...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to All Israeli Politicians & Members of Knesset
Dear Members of Knesset, Ministers and Heads of Political Parties,I am sure you noticed that over the last 6 weeks we have experienced something incredibly rare in the State of Israel, a wonderful...
View ArticleYair Lapid's 0% VAT Might Destroy Israel’s Economy
I can no longer sit back quietly as Yair Lapid’s infantile politics and honor threaten our economy. Numerous journalists have already written about his swiss cheese proposal to reduce VAT on apartment...
View ArticleAgain, "Follow the Money." Is Obama Following it to Qatar?
Tom Friedman is right. Hillary Clinton's assertion that arming the Syrian rebels would have turned the tide in Syria is naive at best. But Clinton picked up the wrong issue. She could have asked why...
View Articleסדר העדיפויות של שר האוצר תמוהה
לפניכשעה קלה קיבלתי טלפון ממשרד הממונה על התקציבים באוצר לזמן אותי לדיון ״מאד מאד חשוב״ על המדען הראשי. לתומי שאלתי ״מתי הדיון?״ ענתה המזכירה ״מחר ב3!״ שאלתי עם הנושא הפתיע את האוצר? ״אתה צודק,״ היא...
View ArticleArticle 1
As we get ready for the holiday of Sukkot, I was thinking about the changing dynamics of Israel's Economy over the last 3+ millennia. On Sukkot, we take the 4 species: the Lulav, Etrog, Hadas and...
View ArticleBibi Must Block Lapid’s Budget
It is now after the Holidays in Israel which means it is time for the annual budget haggling and faux coalition crises that always accompany this annual ritual in Israel. The Budget that Yair Lapid has...
View Articleלא רוצים לממן את המלפגות לבחירות? תצטרפו לעצומה!
ביוםשהתבשרנו שאנחנו עומדים בפני בחירות, הרמתיטלפוןלעו״דהמנוסהבעתירותלבג״ץושאלתיאותו: ״האםאפשרלעתורלבג״ץנגדמימוןמפלגותלבחירותהמיותרותהאלו?״ והערתי ״מספיק לעשוק את משלם המיסים בקמפיינים מיותרים.״העו״ד...
View ArticleRabbis and Politics Are A Toxic Mix
Today, the family of Rav Ovadia Yosef went to his grave to ask forgiveness. They should have asked forgiveness from God and all Israeli Citizens. Yesterday, Rav Shlomo Aviner, publicly (again) attacked...
View ArticleShabbat in the 21st Century
A couple weeks ago, I met a guy in his 30s who told me that he thinks that we need to relax the prohibition on using smartphones on Shabbat. After all, he said, it is not really prohibited under any...
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