A Picture Tells A Story. The Story Tells What is Missing from This Picture
Look carefully at this picture. It was taken this morning. It is a scene that has repeated itself among the Jewish people for thousands of years. On the left side of the picture is my son Yehuda, set...
View ArticleRav Aharon Lichtenstein (מורי ורבי), Yehi Zichro Baruch
At the evening in honor of Rav Lichtenstein Receiving the Israel PrizeMuch will be written in the coming days, month and years about Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's encyclopaedic Torah knowledge and grasp of...
View ArticleThe One Question You Will Not Hear In the Israeli Government Coalition...
When I invest in a start up, one of the key missions we undertake is to help the founders build a management team. The most critical factor for the success of a start up is the founding team and the...
View ArticleKahlon's 25% Tax Will Not Lower Housing Prices. Supply and Trust Will.
Future Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, has already shown his first idea for reducing housing prices: a 25% purchase tax on buying homes for investment purposes. He plans to implement it immediately....
View ArticleThe "Lack of Trust" Tax
Like me, I assume all of you were disgusted by the way this government came together. The last minute appointment of ministers with little regard for their capabilities or electoral results was the...
View Article25% המס של כחלון לא יוריד את מחירי הדיור. היצע ואמון יעשו זאת.
(תרגום של הפוסט באנגליתמלפני יומיים)שר האוצר הנכנס, משה כחלון כבר הציג את הרעיון הראשון שלו להורדת מחירי הדיור: מס רכישה של 25% בקניית בתים לצורכי השקעה. הוא מתכנן ליישם אותו באופן מיידי. נתעלם לרגע...
View Articleמס "חוסר אמון"
כמוני, אני משער שכולכם נגעלתם מהדרך שבה הוקמה הממשלה הנוכחית. מינוי השרים בדקה ה90 ללא התחשבות ביכולות שלהם או בהצבעת הבוחרים נעשה ב"מסחרה"מהסוג הנמוך ביותר. המשא ומתן הקואלציוני יצר ערבוביה של הבטחות...
View ArticleIsrael and American Jews Should Not Lobby Congress Against The Iran Deal....
I am in NYC this week and there is a "Stop Iran" rally here in Times Square to urge congress to block the Iran deal. I am not going. Israel is gearing up to push congress to block the deal. I am not...
View ArticleMy Blog Has Moved to Medium
Dear Readers,I have moved my blog to Medium. Please follow me there. Below, are links to my most recent posts:Is Silence More Evil Than EvilExcerpt: What we need to understand is how these “leaders” of...
View Articleבין אשמה לאחריות
לפניכחודשהרציתיבפנייזמיםירושלמיםעלהתמורותוההזדמנויותבעולםהסטארט-אפיםכשלפתעמישהומהקהלשאל״האםאיןלכלהטנכלוגיםשלךפיתרוןטכנולוגילילד הפליסטיני בן ה14 שדוקר חייל?״ עניתי לו שילד פלישתיני בן 14 שדוקר אינו...
View ArticleNo Manuel! The Government Is the Problem. Not The Exits.
I find it difficult to publicly refute Manuel Trajtenberg. He is a man of high integrity and has done wonderful things for the State of Israel. However,yesterday, he lost the narrative. He called the...
View ArticleKark Heinrich Bendheim of Germany, Lives on in Jerusalem 3X!
Karl Heinrich Is Alive in JerusalemKarl Heinrich (Chaim in Hebrew) Bendheim lived in Bensheim, Germany in the latter half of the 19th century. He was a pillar of his Jewish community. His grandson,...
View ArticlePart 2 - Obama's Gambit for a UN Legacy is on Medium now
Follow this link - Then pls start following me on medium as I will be publishing there in the future.
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